Update 2022-02-08

A life without restrictions.

From tomorrow the 9 of febuary we will start to live without restriktions again after a couple of years.

The changes that will follow here at Olympen tomorrow will be:

  • We will take away the gym bookings
  • We will increase the numbers of participants in our grouptraing classes
  • We will start to enter the classes thru the gym again as usually.

But still it is very important that you continue to pick up after your self and that you wipe and clean up the stuff that you used with papper and the spray bottle.

Update 2022-01-11

From January 12, we will reintroduce our booking system for the gym.

Where can I book?
You can do this on our website: www.olympentraningscenter.se/bokning under ”all workouts” or by downloading our app ”Olympen Träningscenter”.

What login details do I have?
Your original login details are:
Username: the email address you provided when you acquired your membership with us
Password: the first six digits of your social security number.

If you have any problems with your login details, please contact the reception.

How many bookings can you have at ones?
You can have 5 active bookings at the same time and a maximum of 2 bookings/day. You can book 7 days ahead.

If I arrive and there are 10 minutes left until my time starts, do I have to wait until its time or can I start immediately?
You are welcome to enter the gym immediately if it´s not full booked and you judge that you can keep the rule of distance of 2 meters to other members in the gym. But it is important that you check in when you enter the gym. By checking in you put your tag on the reader who is on the railing by the stairs in the gym.

If I arrive at the gym at 6:15 pm, what time should I book then?
Then you must have an appointment booked from 18:00-19:00 and check in as usual when you arrive. Then your warning will be adjusted after your check-in.
How should I book if my workout time takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes?
Here you need to book two hours. If you will train over 1 hour, you must book the next hour too.
If you have booked two gym sessions in a row, do you need to check in twice then?
No, then it is enough if you check in ones.

If you have booked an appointment and leave the room before the time has expired, do you need to do something?
You do not really need to do anything, but to give others the opportunity to enter the gym we would appreciate if you cancel the time that is still left in the reception. An example is if you have booked two hours in the gym and are only in the gym for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Then there is an opportunity for others who just shows up to get a drop-in time for 50 minutes if you have cancelled your time. But this is only possible if the reception is open.

What happens if I do not check in?
Then you are getting a booking dot, but as long as you only “check in” during your booked time, the system regulates that you have entered the gym on schedule time . If you do not show up at all, you will receive a booking dot, with three dots you want be able to have the opportunity to book more times until you paid a penalty fee of 100 Swedish kr to remove the lock.

Where can I wait if I arrive early for my gym session?
We ask everyone to arrive as close to their booked activity as possible as we want to reduce all crowds in our facilities.

Do I get a ticket when I have checked in for the gym?
No, you only need to check in, you will not get a ticket like you get when you are going to the group training classes.

What does it mean that we have access controls?
This means that our receptionist checks that everyone who comes to the gym has a time booked. This is to ensure that the maximum limit is not exceeded. This usually happens during our ”prime times” when there are most people in circulation. Other times you “check In” yourself by putting you tag on the reader by the railing by the stairs in the gym, You can´t miss the sign. During various times and days, we also have member inspectors who goes around and check that you have booked your time and that the right numbers are in the gym.

If you are in our gym under the checks of our members without having booked your time in the gym, it will lead to suspension for 2 weeks. We will of course have a transition period when you only receive a notice, but after this period there will be a suspension. We do this so we can ensure the number of people in the gym. We do this because we want to be able to continue to keep the gym open and to help out to reduce the spread of Covid 19.

Update 2021-12-22

The government has decided that the restrictions that applied earlier this year will be reintroduced from 23 December. This means that all gyms must have 10 square meters per person. The gym at Olympen is about 560 square meters, the grouptraining hall 200 and the bicycle hall 65. Below are the measures that will be introduced immediately, we ask you to pay attention to signs in the facility and to keep you updated via our website https://olympentraningscenter.se/ (see news at the bottom).

From December 23 applies

  • Maximum 45 people in the gym
  • Maximum 5 participants in the bicycle hall
  • Maximum 16 participants in the grouptraining hall
  • Maximum 25 participants in the C-hall
  • Maximun 75 participants in ABC hall
  • Entrance to group training will go through the bicycle hall at basement level
  • Wash your hands before and after workout
  • Spray and wipe the equipment you been using

In addition to this, we plan to reintroduce the booking system in the gym from 10 January.
All members will also be able to show their vaccine-passes at the reception for preventive purposes so that we can enter that information and thus avoid queuing in the event of stricter restrictions.

Take care!

Update 2021-10-01

On September 29 th, we entered phase four regarding the restrictions in Sweden and now the society is opening up.

Since the last update, we have hade the oppertunity to increase the number of people on our group training sessions, but we chose to remain at the same number until now. Now we will increase it but not to the maximum numbers, it will be more step by step. We will still keep time in between the sessions so that we don´t meet up so many people at the same spot when people are leaving and others are entering. This also still gives more time for cleaning the equipment after the session.

Safety is still important to us so we want us together to continue to help out with keeping the distance, clean the equipment we used and of  course stay home if you have any symtoms at all.

Update 2021-07-19

After the restrictions have been removed regarding the number of people per square meters for the gym, we have now started to open up a little bit. The booking system for gym booking has been removed and even the the number of people who should be staying on different areas at the same time in the gym are gone. We will also soon open up more spots on our group training classes when we notice that this is needed. Safety is important to us so we want us together to continue to help out with keeping distance, clean the equipment we used and of course stay home if you have any symptoms at all.

Update 2021-01-14

The new pandemic law came into force on 2021-01-10 and allows a maximum of one person per 10 square meters in training facilities. The gym at Olympen Trainingcenter is just over 500 square meters, the group hall just over 200 and the spinning hall 60. This means that the previous limit of 30 people in the gym and 16 people in the group hall is sufficient to meet the requirement. In order to further reduce the spread of infection we have implemented the following measures

  • Cardio-machines have been temporary blocked to increase the distance
  • Gym maps with zones and additional signs in each zone have been printed to show how many are allowed to stay in each zone
  • The spinning hall is currently out of use as only 6 people are allowed in that hall
  • Entrance to grouptraining (except WOD) will from Saturday (2021-01-16) go through the emergency exit in the spinning hall to avoid passage in the gym. Remember to get your ticket at the main entrance so you’re not risking a crowd at the reception.

From February 1, those who train in the gym without being booked in the app will be suspended for two weeks. This is for everyone’s best since the booking system only works if everyone follows it and when it works it is a great help to avoid congestion. In addition to this, we of course encourage you to stay home in case of symptoms, wash your hands and equipment, keep distance and complete your workout as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Updated 2020-11-06

Yesterday new general advices due to Covid-19 was introduced in our region. We therefor remind you to not visit us when you are ill. We also ask you to wash your hands both before and after your workout and clean all equipment after use.

Due to the new restrictions we will implement some changes:

All ballsports are cancelled.
We will decrease the number of participants on all our classes. In the grouptraning room there are also new marks at the floor where your box or yogamat shall be placed. It is important that we follow the marks to keep the distance between the participants. It is also important to keep the distance in the spinning and therefore it is not allowed to move the bikes.
We will set a limit of how many participants that are allowed in the gym. To make sure that this is followed we will set up a system for booking your spot. More information about this will be sent out to all members with an active gym membership.
We kindly ask you to not use the dressing rooms and to stay in our facilities no longer then necessary.
These changes will be active until the 26th of November, but can be extended. All updates regarding covid-19 will be posted on our website.

Together we can do this!

Updated 2020-04-01

We really like to see that you continue to come and do your workout at Olympen trainingcenter. Of course we want to offer you as good exercise as possible under the regulations set by our authorities. The Public Health Authority believes that physical activity is good for public health and therefore believes that all sports and training should continue. We want you to feel safe knowing that we work in consultation with the authorities and that we follow the general guidelines.

Olympen trainingcenter is not affected by the restriction of maximum 50 people at public gatherings, public place such as a gym, restaurant or shopping center are excluded from this restriction. However we want to be one step ahead and follow this guideline anyway which means some adjustment

As you probably noticed Olympen trainingcenter has already made some adjustments to cope with the situation and to follow the government and the Public Health Authorities decisions. We are now going to make the following adjustments to reduce the number of people at Olympen:

  • You need to get your ticket 10 min before the class starts.
  • More group training classes outside
  • We will put more time in between classes so a class have time to exit the building before the next come in. Note that our classes will begin at odd hours like 16.55, 18.10 and 19.15
  • New entrance to the Spinning room thru the back door. How to get to the new entrance: If you come from the gym/reception, go down the stairs towards the dressing room. When you get down the stairs turn to the left and walk towards Akropolis. You will come to a T-junction, turn left again and straight ahead you got the new entrance. The door is locked but the instructor will open it for you before class.

Olympen trainingcenter wants to continue being a wonderful meeting place but special conditions calls for special action and we therefore ask you to:

  • Stay at home if you feel the slightest hint of being sick. We’re still here when you’re healthy!
  • Wash your hands before and after your training
  • Clean the equipment before and after you’ve used it
  • If you need to sneeze or couch do this in the bend of your arm
  • Leave the building when you have finished your workout
  • Change and shower at home

We at Olympen training center just wants to say thank you for your help during this time!


Updated 2020-03-25

The Public Health Agency of Sweden states that exercise and sports are beneficial for public health and these types of activities should continue. Sports practice does not need to be cancelled and gyms and exercise grounds can continue their activities. VUGI and Olympen träningscenter follow these recommendations and our gym will remain open.

VUGI and Olympen träningscenter are not affected by the ban against public gatherings of more than 50 people, which was presented by the Swedish Government on Friday, March 27. The ban does not include gatherings in public places such as gyms, restaurants or shopping malls. Hence, our gym remains open as usual.

VUGI and Olympen träningscenter have already made further adjustments the gym activities based on the decision of the Swedish Government and we have a high level of readiness to act as the Public Health Agency of Sweden updates its recommendations.

Our opening hours are 5am-11pm, but we kindly ask you to visit the gym before 4pm or after 8pm if possible, as most members visit our facilities between 4-8 pm.


Updated 2020-03-25

We still understand that you are worried. But don´t forget that Swedish Public Health authority tells you to continue to exercise and be physically active.

Advise from Swedish Public Health Authority


Updated 2020-03-17

We remain open as long as the Public Health Agency of Sweden or Linnaeus University doesnt oblige us to close. Of course, we work to ensure safety as much as we can and will therefore make some changes.

As of today, we will replace some of our group training classes with other similar workouts and some classes will be adjusted. Bootcamp will be replaced with similar workouts and Circle will have a different layup. Box is cancelled.  We do this changes to minimize the sharing of equipment during our different classes. After each session you will, as before, be given the opportunity to clean your equipment with disinfectant spray. We also encourage you to bring your own equipment if it is needed and you have it.

When it comes to our ball sports we will make sure the team-vests have been washed before every class.


Updated 2020-03-12


What Olympen is doing to stop the spread:

  • Door handles, buttons and handrails are being disinfected daily
  • The number of spray bottles have increased and they have been filled with alcohol solution
  • The general cleaning of the gym has increased
  • Group training have smaller classes and the participants are given time for cleaning implements
  • Continuously following the situation and the recommendations from the National Sports Association, the Swedish Healthcare Guide (1177.se) and the Public Health Authority.


What you as a member can do to stop the spread:

Stay at home if you are ill!
If you have any respiratory symptoms at all, even if they are mild, you should limit your social contacts in order not to infect others. Symptoms of infection are respiratory symptoms, like fever or cough. Even if your symptoms are mild it is important that you stay at home. Remain at home for a couple of days extra, also after you have stopped showing symptoms.

Do you have symptoms?
In case you are showing any symptoms you should call the health services (Vårdguiden) on +46 1177 in Sweden. You should not visit a health care centre, instead always contact the health services on + 46 1177 first.

Are you worried?
If you have general questions or is worried about the corona virus and the disease covid-19 you should call +46 113 13 in Sweden.

How to prevent infection

  • Avoid shaking hands when greeting people.
  • Avoid touching your face. The virus is transmitted through mucous membranes in eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cough and sneeze in a paper or in the bend of the arm
  • Clean the machine or implement you have used with our spray bottles and paper
  • Wash your hand often with soap and hot water. Infectious matter easily sticks to your hands. Therefore, wash your hands often with soap and hot water, for at least 30 seconds.
  • Always wash your hands when you come to the trainingscenter and when you leave. Also do this when you come home, to work or to school, before you eat and after a toilet visit.
  • If you recently visited any high risk zone, stay at home until you are sure you’re not infected

It is important that you stay up-to-date and remember that you are always responsible of your own health. Keep track of the information published on The Public Health Agency of Sweden’s website, see links below.

Important links


Take care!
/Olympen Trainingcenter